My personal site to share knowledge through self-discovery

Use the content of this site at your own risk. I offer no warranties or guarantees, and my experiments might not be based on best practices.


VMWare ESXi 6.5 iso for RealTek NIC


These instructions will enable you to set up VMWare ESXi on your old DELL XPS Desktop using the onboard Realtek NIC card. Without customizing the iso, the ESXi installation will fail unless you have a secondary NIC that is supported. VMWare does not support Realtek NIC cards, so don’t expect support from VMWare if you use these instructions.

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Host Jekyll Website on AWS


Hosting Jekyll on AWS S3 should cost me between $1-5/month based on my research. This is cheaper than hosting a website on Additionally, an added benefit is that the entire content of my website can exist within a git repository. There is no database to manage. The downside is that you should use Route53 and Cloudfront in addition to just S3 for stability and to increase performance. This becomes expensive, outside of the free Tier, because Amazon charges for every single little thing. You’ll be watching the billing dashboard like a hawk, rather than focusing on the content of your website. Also, using GoDaddy DNS with Amazon S3 only allows for http, so this is purely temporary for me. I will go back to GoDaddy or hosting my website locally on a Raspberry PI 3. The following is a simplified flowchart of how the navigation works using GoDaddy DNS to point to my AWS bucket:

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Marvel API Background on UWP Application


A C# Model, Mainpage.xaml.cs, and a Mainpage.xaml view in a Universal Windows Platform (UWP) application are used to showcase a random Marvel Character from the Marvel API. The first image appears (starting at 20 seconds) and it continues to display a random character every 20 seconds. Very simple, but fun.

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